
Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!

I usually don't get into April Fool's Day, but this year was different. This might possibly be the meanest thing I have ever done. It's kind of funny though, actually it's really funny. I wrote Elder Vaughn a fake "Dear John" letter. I went on and on about how it will best for both of us to "take a step back" and stop writing each other so much and maybe when he gets back, we can see where it goes. So mean, right? Yeah, it is...I know. Anyways, the last line of the letters says, "Just so you know this is an April Fool's Day joke, I'm totally kidding about all of this. I love you!" The only reason I did this is because I know Willie has a great sense of humor, and I really think that once he figures out I'm kidding, he will take it very well. But until then, he might be a little sad. Ever since I put it in the mail this morning, I've been thinking of all the things that could go wrong. What if he only reads half of it and gets so upset that he doesn't finish it and he never knows that it was a joke? That would kind of suck. What if he writes back and says that he totally agrees with everything I said? That would be even worse. I just keep telling myself that he can take a joke. Hopefully he will find it funny. I'm pretty sure he will. I guess I'll find out shortly :)


  1. Oh my gosh, you sound like me... freaking out!! It will be fine! :) He can take a joke. I have faith ;)

  2. He can definitely take a joke...as long as he reads the whole letter ;) In fact, he's so spiritual he'll probably open it up and see the end first so it won't be an issue at all :)

  3. Of course if you serve a mission, you should probably expect the same thing back now :)
